Einav Hart

Einav Hart

Assistant Professor of Management

George Mason University


Data Scientist &
Behavioral Scientist



Teaching Interests

Negotiation, Decision Making, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Social Psychology
I am also excited about teaching courses on data science/big data, statistics, and research methods. I think they are underappreciated topics and are great fun (ask me!)

Courses Taught

E-mail me for syllabi, materials, and course evaluations.

George Mason University, School of Business   (Management department)
2024 ---- PhD: Individual Relationships and Groups PhD: BUS 893 (* Co-teaching seminar)
2024-Present ---- Undergrad: Teams and Interpersonal Relations (MGMT 464)
2020-Present ---- Undergrad: Negotiation in Organizations (MGMT 463)
2021-Present ---- MBA: Negotiations (MBA 726)
2021-2022 ---- MBA: Negotiation and Conflict Management (TECM 641)

University of Pennsylvania   (Philosophy, Politics, & Economics program)
2017 ---- Competition and Negotiation (PPE 475-301)
2015-2016 ---- Competitive behavior (PPE 475-301)
2015-Present ---- Trust and Deception (PPE 474-301)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem   (Cognitive Science department)
2011-2015 ---- Hands-on introduction to research (06140)
2011,2014 ---- TA, Psychology of decision making (76012)

Teaching Comments

I am teaching undergraduate- and graduate-level negotiation courses at the George Mason University School of Business.
I have independently developed three courses which I taught over multiple years in the interdisciplinary PPE (UPenn) and Cognitive Science (Hebrew University) programs.

I strongly believe that theoretical knowledge and daily experiences go hand in hand. I encourage active discussions and design interactive learning environments as tools for learning (even when the subject matter is statistics) - in both physical and online classes.
I highlight the relationship between research and the world, to bridge knowledge bases, concepts, and methodologies. I have engaged diverse audiences, from students across disciplines, to children, to working professionals.